
Fairpark Baptist Church is a Christ-centered, Biblically based Independent Baptist Church in Ft. Worth, TX

Finding a church home is one of the most important things you can do after receiving Christ as your personal Savior. Fairpark Baptist Church is a Christ centered, Biblically based Independent Baptist church in Fort Worth, TX. We promote family integrated activities and desire to aid fathers in being the spiritual leaders of their homes.

God has blessed Fairpark with tremendous musical talent to use for His glory. Our focus is on traditional hymns and other select music that brings honor and glory to our Savior. You will hear a beautiful choir with an exceptional pianist, along with violins, cello, flute and other orchestration. Our music is designed to magnify the Lord, not draw attention to ourselves.

Service Times


9:45 am – Family Bible Hour
10:45 am – Worship Service


7:00 pm – Prayer & Bible Study

Recent Media

Want to get acquainted with our ministry, catch up on a sermon you missed, or invite a friend to listen to one of your favorite messages? These are all great reasons to visit our online media library!

Are You Heaven Bound?

If you died today, do you KNOW that you would go to heaven?

When surveyed with the question above over 50% of the respondents answer "No" or "Maybe" to this question, yet God assures us in His Word, the Bible, that you can know for sure that you will go to heaven if you die.